Add-ons FAQ

General Add-ons - Frequently Asked Questions

This FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is prepared to provide answers to all general questions about usage Jivrus G Suite add-ons products and any G Suite add-ons in general.

What is add-on?

Add-ons are customized extensions of G Suite productivity applications such as Gmail, Google Sheets, and Google Docs. Add-ons can add new capabilities to the G Suite applications they extend, help automate tasks, or make third-party services or information available in G Suite. You can see Jivrus add-ons on GSuite Marketplace

How to install and uninstall add-ons?

Please read the article Install and Uninstall Add-ons for details

How do I get new version of the add-on? Should I download or re-install?

You don't need to download or re-install the add-on to get the new version. You can simply refresh the browser and load the add-on to get the latest version will be updated automatically.

When I open add-on I get " refused to connect". Why?

When I open add-on I get "Action not allowed" or "You do not have permission to perform this action" or "ScriptError: Authorization is required to perform that action". Why?

This issue can occur if users have logged into multiple Google accounts from the same browser. Mainly if one account has access to your document and other account do not have access.

To resolve this issue:


Google Picker dialog is not opening.Why?

The Google Picker Dialog might not open because you have disabled / blocked the cookies option in you browser.

To resolve this issue please follow below steps:

I am seeing only the Help menu in the add-on. Why?

Sometimes, the add-on menus do not open fully. This could be due to slow internet connection or having too many add-ons installed.



How do I see the version# of Jivrus' add-ons?

Why I am getting 400 code error while installing Jivrus' add-ons?

Here's what might be causing the issue:

Follow these steps and retry the installation. If the problem persists, reach out to our support team for further assistance.